NOTE! You can become a member together with a group of colleagues. All you have to do is submit the necessary documents as a group and make a one-time payment on behalf of the group.

Dear Colleagues,
As many of you know, the META Teachers Association has consistently worked to support and advocate for our dedicated educators since 2016. During this time, we have proudly maintained our membership fees without change, striving to offer valuable services and resources to our community. However, due to multiple events around the world, economic recessions in recent years, we are in the situation to make the necessary decision to change the Membership Fees in order to face the economic challenges that have significantly impacted our operational costs. To continue providing the high-quality support and programs you rely on, it has become necessary to adjust our membership fees. We understand that changes in fees can be concerning, and we want to assure you that this adjustment is essential to sustain the association’s mission and services. The increased fees will enable us to enhance our programs, offer additional resources, and ensure that META remains a robust support system for all members. We remain committed to transparency and are here to address any questions or concerns you may have about this change. Please feel free to reach out to us at or visit our website – for more details. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Together, we will continue to strengthen our community and advance the quality of education.

Your Membership status can be active or non-active. 

If you paid your annual membership fee – you are an ACTIVE Member, if you did not pay your annual membership fee – you are a NON-ACTIVE Member and you are to renew your status by paying the annual fee. 
Please note, that according to the new regulations (voted for on October 3rd, 2019) the membership cards are issued only for the members who were active participants of at least 3 events during 6 months since the application for membership. 

You can renew your membership, by simply paying the annual membership due. The due can be paid via bank transfer (in also implies additional bank transfer fees) or transferred to the card number below. 

Transfer bancar (банковский перевод)

Payment details; Detalii pentru achitare; Детали для оплаты:
Rechizite bancare/Банковские принадлежности:
Asociația Obștească  M.E.T.A
c/f 1013620012750
Cod banca – MOBBMD22
IBAN: MD41 MO2224ASV69998037100
or pay via PayPal

MEMBERSHIP Rules & Regulations

According to the decision of the General Meeting of members in April, 2015 the following rules and regulations were unanimously voted for:

  • Members of the Association are to read and be acquainted to the Association Statute and follow the main points.
  • The Association is obliged not to disclose Members’ personal data to any third parties.
  • Members’ are to be acquianted with *Unworthy conduct principle which might cause charge of unworhty conduct and censuring of the member.

* Unworthy Conduct.
It shall be deemed unworthy for any member:

1. To be guilty of conduct which in the opinion of the META
Executive Committee is injurious to the interests of the Association.

2. A member charged with unworthy conduct shall be given an opportunity
to submit in writing to the Executive Committee within one month any
observations he/she may wish to make on the charge against him/her and
the Executive Committee shall consider such observations before arriving
at a decision.
The member charged with unworthy conduct, shall be provided with the
complete details constituting the case against him/her. Furthermore, if
having requested it, the member charged with the offence shall be
entitled to
an oral hearing by the Executive Committee.

3. A member found guilty of unworthy conduct by the Executive may be
censured (such as exclusion from training sessions or events), fined,
suspended or expelled from the Association. Such a member shall have the
right to appeal to the next AGM.